To fill the brake fluid in a 2001 Honda Odyssey, you need to find the brake fluid reservoir and remove the cap. Fill the reservoir with the right amount of fluid and put the cap back on.
Under the hood on the passenger side of engine compartment. Be sure the engine is cold when you remove the cap.
You fill it though the resivoir cap
With the radiator cold, remove the cap and fill to the top. Then remove the recovery tank cap and fill it halfway.
It is on the engine, just below the radiator cap.
You fill it to the bottom of the radiator cap, and to the full mark of the overflow bottle.
It is under the housing where the rad cap is and upper hose are attached.
find and remove gas cap, fill with gas and replace gas cap.
The fill port cap is on top of the transaxle. It is red, about the size of a golf ball. It is threaded into the transaxle and you to turn it counter clockwise to remove it.
Let the engine cool and press down and twist the radiator cap to the left to remove it. Fill the radiator to the top and reinstall the cap. Check the coolant level in the overflow reservior and fill it to the fill line.
It does not have a distributor cap.
There isn't one, just the cap on the coolant recovery tank.