Probably your alternator.
On the upper side of the transmission.
You can't, you have to replace the ignition switch
Where is the sensor for the headlight of a 1996 GrandAM SE
if the battery is dead the switch wont unlock or start
You need to turn the wheel (about 1/4 inch) to relieve the pressure while you turn the ignition.
cant you need a scanner to check codes from 1996 and newer
Bad resistor on key? Bad sensor in ignition lock?
You add refrigerant through the low side port. There is a web site that will tell you were the port is located on a 96 grandam, along with much more helpfull information.
what?are you asking not sure what ya want to know?
where is the reset sistem buttomfor Pontiac 1996
how to remove key cylinder on 98 sunfire