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This depends on many factors call an agent or check with any of the companys on line. Many will quote three to five insurance carriers, once all the information is put in.

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Q: How much would car insurance cost for a 16-year-old female who drives a 1997 Ford Mustang?
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Where can one compare cheap car insurance for young female drivers?

There are a number of comparison sites one can use to compare insurance rates for young female drives. One can do this on 'Compare the Market', 'Go Compare', 'Confused' and 'Money Supermarket'.

Can a horse be both a mare and a mustang?

Yes. A mare is female and a mustang is a wild horse, so they are not mutually exclusive.

What companies offer female insurance?

This question is rather unspecific so it will be assumed that 'female insurance' refers to car insurance. Most insurance companies offer car insurance for female drivers and some even cater specifically to female drivers.

What is the sexual orientation of Roy Mustang?

No Roy Mustang is not gay. He falls in love with one of the FEMALE captains serving under him

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Who is the female voice in Serge Gainsbourg's Ford Mustang?

Madeline Bell

What is an older female mustang who heads the herd called?

An older female mustang who heads the herd is typically called a lead mare. Lead mares are responsible for guiding and protecting the herd, making decisions on movements, grazing areas, and keeping the peace within the group.

What car insurance offers great coverage for cheap and for female drivers?

The cheapest car insurance that offer great coverage for female drivers is Geico. Geico can save you 15% or more on car insurance and they are right about that.

Which is the best health insurance for a single female?

Health insurance can be found for a woman at a good price online and for a woman that is single and female there are benefits for a woman that is single and independent.

Where can one get cheap car insurance for a young female living in Seattle?

A young female living in Seattle can get cheap car insurance at any of the large chain insurance retailers such as companies such Progressive, Allstate, and State Farm.

What do you call a female mustang?

A mustang (Spanish mestengo) is a type of wild horse found in Mexico and in California.The word 'mustang' does not reveal the gender of the animal, just as sting-ray does not reveal the gender of that type of ray.If the gender of a horse needs to be known, words such as mare/filly (female), colt/stallion (male), etc are used.For more information about mustangs, see Sources and Related links below.

Are there many companies like Diamond Insurance that focus their business on female clients?

No, there are not many companies like Diamond insurance that focus their business on female clients. Diamond Insurance is a very unique company with very unique priorities.