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$40.00 labor. Starter may cost anywhere from 120.00 to 145.00

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Q: How much should replacing the starter in a 1999 Chevrolet Suburban cost?
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The Chevrolet suburban 1500 axle is interchangeable with the Chevrolet Silverado 1500 axle. The manufacture year of the vehicles should be the same.

What kind of antifreeze should you put in a 1999 Chevrolet suburban?

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The 2003 Chevrolet suburban requires five quarts of oil in the motor. The oil filter should be filled with oil, when changing it.

Where is the starter on a 1999 Chevrolet Venture?

Should be at the rear lower section of engine

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How do you change a starter on a 1996 suburban?

Disconnect the battery. The starter should have two or three bolts holding it in. And there will be wires connected on it. Loosen the bolts and wiring connectors, then remove the starter from its mount.

What type of engine coolant and color should you use on a 1997 Chevrolet Suburban?

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Where do you hook up starter wires on 2005 grand am?

On the solenoid on top of the starter, Should only be 3-4 there one of which will be your pos batt cable, assuming you are replacing starter.

What should you check next on a vehicle that will not start after replacing the fuel pump and wires and fuses?

You should check the starter and alternator.

What is the spark plug gap for a 2004 suburban?

The spark plug gap for a 2004 Chevrolet Suburban should be set at .040 inches. The new spark plugs are pre-gapped and do not need adjusting.

Starter grinds on 1988 Chevy camaro when starting is this a faulty starter?

You should hope so. The other option is a damaged flywheel which is a much larger project than replacing a starter.

Where does the autoscannerplug into on a Chevrolet Suburban?

It should be just under the bottom of the dash were your knees would be when sitting in the driver seat. Look in that area.