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An average orange contains 1.4 grams of protein.

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Q: How much protein does a orange have?
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Does oranges have protein?

How much protein does Orange Juice have?

How much protein does an orange have?

there is 5.o grams in an orange

How much protein is in a cup of orange juice?

It depends on what type of orange juice it is. But, i do know that orange juice has alot of acids in it.

How much protein does a glass of orange juice have?

it depends on the type of orrange juce

What has more protein apple or orange juice?

An orange has more protein than an apple.

Do Orange juice have protein?

Yes they do have protein.You can check the nutrtional vale on this site

Does orange juice work for the plastic milk experiment?

no. the plastic milk experiment uses the casein (a protein) in milk. This protein is not present in orange juice.

Does orange contain protein?

An orange is not a significant source of protein nor is it a source of fat. It is rich in fructose, a simple carbohydrate. It provides vitamins and minerals.

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Where can you get eggs with dark orange yolks?

layer birds feed have maximum maize protein then we ll get dark orange yolk

What is orange a poor source of?

Orange is a poor source of certain essential nutrients such as vitamin B12, which is primarily found in animal products. It is also low in protein and healthy fats compared to other foods. Additionally, orange does not provide significant amounts of minerals such as calcium and iron.

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