Hou much should it cost to replace an alternator for a 1988 acura integra Ls?
How much does it cost to get an 2001 Lincoln Ls engine rebuilt
They are about $100.
I get mine done at the dealer for $354
I got 3 prices on a v8 ls they ranged from $695.00 to $1200.00. i did it myself
100 horse.
roughfly about $3000 the labor is what kills 33hrs
Between 100 and 200 horse.
After all specs and extras, the total will generaly be about $71,000 - $75,000.That is for the Lexus LS 460.
It is: 600
how much does it cost to fix a door handle to a 2007 chevy colbalt Ls the inside cables inside handle and out side door handle