How much did Bushs 2000 inaugtion cost How much did Bush's 2000 inauguration cost ?
At a store around 3 bucks but at a pop machine 1.25
A ton is 2,000 pounds so divide how much a pop can is by 2000 For example: A pop can weighs 1/2 pound. 2000/.5 is 4,000 pop cans
The cost was about $12 to $20 buck a pop...
about 5 dollars
The cost of a can of soda pop in 1955 was 10 cents. Today a single can of soda pop can cost a dollar or more depending on where it is bought.
not sure but why wold you WANT to buy it?
5 lempiras
If you have to ask, you can't afford them.
5 rupees