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Q: How much are vacuum lines in a 99 grand prix v6?
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How do you fix the heater vent dampers on a 1992 Grand Prix?

Check vacuum lines and diaphrams under dash and at firewall

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Where is the location of the vacuum hose on a 2005 Pontiac Grand Prix?

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How does the vaccum pump work on a 1989 Pontiac grand prix?

The engine supplies vacuum where needed to operate certain functions. Unless it is a diesel, I never heard of a vacuum pump on a Pontiac Grand Prix.

Where can you find a vacuum diagram for a 69 Grand Prix especially for the heater and vent control under the dash?

You can find a 1969 Grand Prix vacuum diagram at most General Motors dealerships. You can also find the diagram in most 1969 Grand Prix service manuals at your local library.

Where can you find the vacuum diagrams for a 1998 Pontiac Grand Prix with a 3800 Series II engine?

It is important to have a diagram when making changes to the vacuum system of a car. The diagram to the 1998 Pontiac Grand Prix vacuum system can be found in its maintenance manual.

Why does the brake pedal on a 98 grand prix feel hard?

Usually when a brake pedal feels more stiff than usual, there is a vacuum leak. The brake lines probably should be bled.

Where did formula 1 car rasing take place in 2011?

There were 19 rounds in the 2011 Formula One season: 1. Australian Grand Prix - season opener - 14 March. 2. Malaysia Grand Prix. 3. Chinese Grand Prix. 4. Turkish Grand Prix. 5. Spanish Grand Prix. 6. Monaco Grand Prix. 7. Canadian Grand Prix. 8. European Grand Prix (in Valencia, Spain). 9. British Grand Prix. 10. German Grand Prix. 11. Hungarian Grand Prix. 12. Belgian Grand Prix. 13. Italian Grand Prix. 14. Singapore Grand Prix. 15. Japanese Grand Prix. 16. Korean Grand Prix. 17. Indian Grand Prix (new). 18. Abu Dhabi Grand Prix. 19. Brazilian Grand Prix - season finale - 27 Nov.

In which sport do counties compete for the Americas cup?

Alot of counties that are rich enough to buy the fuel* * Avus Grand Prix * Bari Grand Prix * Belgian Grand Prix * Belgrade Grand Prix * Coppa Acerbo * Coppa Ciano * Czech Grand Prix * Donington Grand Prix * Dutch Grand Prix * French Grand Prix * German Grand Prix * Hungarian Grand Prix * Italian Grand Prix * Milan Grand Prix* Mille Miglia * Monaco Grand Prix * Moroccan Grand Prix * Penya Rhin Grand Prix * San Sebastian Grand Prix * Spanish Grand Prix * Swiss Grand Prix * Targa Florio * Tripoli Grand Prix * Tunis Grand Prix * United States Grand Prix * Vanderbilt Cup * Zandvoort Grand Prix

How much does a suspension cost for a 2004 Pontiac grand prix?

About 10 Grand

How much to fix a sending unit on 2003 grand prix se?

cost to fix sending unit on 2003 grand prix se

Why does your 92 grand prix idel at 4500rpms?

Usually it's a vacuum leak. Check for a missing or disconnected vacuum hose. If that's not it, check for a problem with the EGR valve.