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10,484,000 hundredweight (cwt) were produced, with an average yield of 240 cwt per acre.

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Q: How many pounds of pumpkins were produced in the US in 2006?
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How many pumpkins sold per year?

In 1012 the U.S. commercially produced 12.4 million hundred weight of pumpkins harvest from 47,800 acres. The top state was Illinois followed by California, Ohio and Pennsylvania. This did not include the local production for farmers' markets and church groups. Pumpkins range in size from less than a pound to well over 1,000 pounds.

How many guns were produced in 2006?

a lot

How many pounds of candy corn are produced annually?

24 thousand pounds a year

How many tons of salt was produced in the US in 2006?

Approximately 45 million metric tons of salt were produced in the US in 2006.

Where could pumpkins for decorating be found?

You can buy pumpkins at many local farms in October. Many farmers grow pumpkins for the sole purpose of selling them for Halloween. Or, many grocery stores also sell pumpkins.

There were 11 pumpkins on the table and 20 pumpkins on the steps how many pumpkins were there in all?

there are thirdy one and that is the answer ok.

How many marshmallows are produced a year?

Americans eat about 90,000,000 pounds of marshmallows (41 tons) but no data on exactly how many are produced

Who is the author on Too Many Pumpkins?

Linda White is the author of the children's book Too Many Pumpkins

In 2006 how many billion pounds of apples were grown?

10 million pounds of apples were grown in 2006. note: not very sure about this answer. Tell me if wrong.

How many pounds of eggs are produced every year?

75 billion

You grow 738 pumpkins and sell 481 how many do you have left?

If you grow 738 pumpkins and sell 481 of them, you will have 257 pumpkins left.

How many oz can a pumpkin be?

Pumpkins are a growing plant, a small one could be about a pound and I've seen larger ones up to 25 pounds or so.