How do you change oxygen sensor on a 2006 Chevy aveo?"
There are 2. One before the catalyst up front and one behind the catalyst.
torque setting for 2005 chev aveo
My 2005 aveo won't start
Locate crank shaft sensor 2005 Chevy aveo
How do you change the wheel bearings on a Chevrolet aveo 2005
The 2005 Chevrolet Aveo OBD 2 port is under driver side dash next to kick panel
I have a 2004 Aveo with 190,000 miles. I use a name brand synthetic blend 5W30.
No. Aveo comes with the green stuff in it.
Open door look on leftside of dash.
I went to Auto Zone, they will install it after you purchase it.
I have a 2005 and it holds about 12 gallons.