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4 x 4 x 2 = 32 cubic inches.

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Q: How many cubic inches in a 4 inch by 4 inch by2 inch box?
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An 18x18x16 inch box has a volume of 5,184 cubic inches, calculated by multiplying the three dimensions (18x18x16).

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As the question is presented the answer must be none. A box cannot have a volume of 729 inches because volumes are measured in cubic inches, not inches. If you ignore that, the answer is a maximum of 729. However, it could be as low as none! If the box had dimensions of 0.5 in*2 in*729 in, it would have a volume of 729 cubic inches but not a single 1 inch box would fit in.

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What is the length of the edge of a cube inches?

A cubic inch is one inch, by one inch, by one inch. -Visualise a square box, an inch each side.

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8^3 = 512