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Situation dependent. They could find it on the first day they look for it, or it could take a while. If the vehicle is at the address listed on the loan, expect them to find it quickly. If you hide the vehicle and claim not to know its location, expect it to be reported stolen.

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Q: How long will it take a repo man to find your car in North Carolina?
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No. Not in North Carolina, not in any other state.

In North Carolina can they sue or put a lien on your business for the remaining balance of a car repo?

YES, a lender can get a judgment for the balance owing on a loan after repo.

Can a repo man take your car out of a closed garage in fayetteville North Carolina?

he cannot break & enter to get the car.

In North Carolina can a repo man repo your car from a repair shop with a bill that is still owed?

Yes. A repossession agent can secure the vehicle anywhere he finds it with some limitations, provided he has a valid order for repossession.

How long does it take for a repo of a vehicle once the account goes to the repo dept?

It can happen as soon as they find the car. Sometimes within hours.

How long after you have a voluntary repo can the lender hold you responsible for the remaining balance in South Carolina?

== == I know they can't garnish your wages but not sure about liens.

How can you find a good repo man for semi trucks in Raleigh North Carolina?

Search your state, then your city at the link below. These are insured agencies. One could post an ad or look in the phone book or ask a loan officer at a bank for references.

What hours can a vehicle be repossessed in ga?

any 24 - 7 as long as they find the car they can repo it.

How long does it take a repo man to repo a car in California?

A long time if you hide it well!

How do you find repo laws in your state?

Search on "repo laws + [your state]"

How long will a finance company still try to repo a car. I moved 3 years ago and they coulcn't find it. Will they still try to repo it 3 years later or would it be a judgment against me for money?

The lien is still valid, so yes, they can repo it.