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Americredit likes to get free money. My car costs $18000. After 3 years of payments I still owe them $34000 including interest-- that's Crazy!!!!

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Q: How long does it take for americredit to issue a repo?
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Related questions

How long does it take a repo man to repo a car in California?

A long time if you hide it well!

How long does a repo company have to take your car?

As long as it takes to get it back.

How long does it take for a repo of a vehicle once the account goes to the repo dept?

It can happen as soon as they find the car. Sometimes within hours.

Is there an Oklahoma law that prevents Americredit from returning a repossessed car after the payments are up to date?

There shouldn't be.You signed a loan with Americredit that governs your situation. The lender doesn't have to return your car even if you bring your loan current.Once you violate the provisions of the loan they can take the car it is up to them whether they give it back.

How long does it take a repo man to repo a car in nebraska?

i think its about 3 0r 4 months then they will call and ask you where can they pick up the car

Can a repo man take a vehicle with child safety seats in tack?

long as no child is in it,yes

How long does it take to repossess a vehicle?

I don't know about you but i would just watch operation repo

Does a repo show on your credit when you voluntarily return it?

Yes, a repo is a repo whether you give it up or they take it.

Does paying off a deficency on a repossesion take it off your credit as a repo?

NO. What this will do is satisfy the debt only. This will show in favor on your credit, but it will still show as a repo. You are better off paying the debt. If you are doing this, make sure to have them issue a satifaction of debt letter to the credit bureaus. This will increase your score.

Repo how long will it take to get on credit report?

If your vehicle is already up for repossession, it is already on your credit report as a delinquent or defaulted debt.

Can the repo people take your car after you made a payment?

Yes, until the repo order is canceled by the owner.

Will someone drive by first to take pictures before they repo a car?

Perhaps, it depends on the repo company's policy.