Remove The Radiator And Have A Radiator Shop Test, And Flush It.
Remove the bottom radiator hose. Stick a hose in the top of the radiator. Turn the water on. Allow the water to run through the radiator and out the bottom of the radiator.
97 mustang! would
Buy a "flushing" chemical product at auto parts or Wal-Mart comes with instructions
The Easiest way to drain the radiator on your 97 Lincoln is to loosen the drain valve on the bottom (Drivers Side) of the radiator. Make sure the engine is cool, or take precaution not to burn yourself with hot water. Be sure and loosen to radiator overflow tank cap to allow air to enter as the fluid drains. If you are preparing to flush the cooling system, and replace the coolant, you should also replace the thermostat
How to remover 1996 ford mustang radiator fan from the radiator motor
Just flushing the radiator, no but to flush the system, yes.
its located on the drivers side of the radiator on the side toward the motor on the bottom corner, should be a plastic piece looking like a wing nut Located on the passengers side of the car about 2 inches from the bottom on the side of the radiator, white plastic nut this is on 97 ford mustang gt
there is a radiator plug on the bottom passenger side of the radiatior, take that out and flush from the radiator cap.
Cleans antifreeze and dirt out of the radiator
fan relay on 97 mustang with 3.8
97 mustang gt has 215 horse power