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If the density of the object is greater than that of the liquid then it will sink. If the density of the object is lower it will float.

To calculate density; density=mass(g)/volume(cm3)

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Q: How does the relative density of objects determine whether objects float or sink in liquids?
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How does the relative density of objects determine whether objects float or sinks in liquids?

If the density of the object is greater than that of the liquid then it will sink. If the density of the object is lower it will float. To calculate density; density=mass(g)/volume(cm3)

What causes objects to float?

in relation to solids or liquids in liquids: Density. A lighter density compound/liquid will float in a heavier density liquid

Hoe does an objects density determine whether the object will sink?

If an objects density is less than the density of what it is put in it will float. If the objects density is greater it will sink.

What can density do?

Density can be used to identify substances, as each material has a unique density. It can also be used to determine the purity of a substance through comparing its density to a known value. Additionally, density plays a role in buoyancy, with less dense objects floating in more dense liquids.

What will happen to the liquid with the lowest density?

The liquid with the lowest density will float on top of liquids with higher densities. This is because objects with lower density are less dense than objects with higher density, so they will sit on top of them.

Why hot liquids float above cool liquids?

Hot liquids have lower density than cooler liquids because the heat causes the molecules to spread out, making them less dense. This difference in density causes the hot liquid to float above the cool liquid because objects with lower density float on top of objects with higher density.

Does volume alone determine whether an objects will float or sink?

No, an object's density relative to the density of the fluid it is placed in determines if it will float or sink. An object will float if its density is less than the density of the fluid, and sink if its density is greater. Volume can influence buoyancy, but it is not the sole factor.

What color is used to determine the relative color of objects with pigments?

The color wheel is typically used to determine the relative color of objects with pigments, where contrasting or complementary colors are often chosen.

Does the density of liquids affect how objects float?

Yes, the density of a liquid affects whether objects float or sink in it. Objects with a lower density than the liquid will float, while objects with a higher density will sink. This is due to the principle of buoyancy, where the upward force acting on an object in a fluid is determined by the difference in densities.

What liquids have a better buoyancy?

Liquids that have a greater density than water, will provide more buoyancy to objects floating in it. Salt water is more dense than fresh water, so objects will float higher in it.

What 2 attributes must be measured to determine an objects density?

mass and volume

What compares an objects mass to it's volume?
