how to change steering column on 86 pontiac bonneville
Check under the dashboard, to the left of the steering column.
If you use a GM steering column....many are interchangeable. Depending on the year, a column from an Impala or Chevelle may fit.
The flasher on a 99 Bonneville is located under the dash below the steering column, remove the panel just below the column. It has screws.
Call any local bone yard, and have them look it up in a trash book. (Hollander)
The diagnostic (OBD) port on all 1992-1999 Bonnevilles is located under the dash next to the steering column
You should check the wires that are in the steering column to the ignition lock cylinder. They tend to break easily.
bad spring in steering colum
left side below steering column
i believe you can disassemble the lower part of the steering column to access the area.
Had the problem with Bonneville not starting....turned out to be the security module. Your mechanic should be able to bypass the security module with a $15 part from Radio Shack. Pretty easy fix.
Take it to the shop:)