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Definitely avoid doing it the old way--where you breathe in and out of a tube. It has been linked to lung cancer and worse.

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Q: How do you syphon gas from a Corsica?
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Related questions

How do you spell the word syphon like syphon gas?

It is normally spelled Siphon, but Syphon is an alternate spelling for the same word.

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How do you take out the gas tank?

You can either syphon it out with a hose and your mouth, or you can go buy a little hand pump type of syphon that will allow you to syphon the gas out without the use of your mouth and into containers, or possibly even directly to another vehicle.

How big is the gas tank on a 1990 Chevy Corsica?

The gas tank on a 1990 Chevy Corsica is 15.6 gallons. A 1990 Chevy Corsica takes unleaded gas not premium.

How do you syphon gas from a Ford Tempo 1989?

with an electric fuel pump.

What can a syphon filter be used for?

Syphon filters are used when syphoning a liquid from a vehicle. When one syphons gas, it is advised that they do not get any in their mouths, and a filter can help with that.

How do you syphon gas from 96 Ford Explorer?

hose pipe and a deap breath

Does a 2009 dodge grand caravan have an anti-syphon gas tank?


How do you drain gas from a car?

Pump it out or use a syphon are the two easiest methods.

How do you syphon gas from a 1987 Pontiac firebird?

Just google how to syphon gas. Its not that hard, and it usually works for cars, trucks, SUV's, etc. But be sure its your own car. Mind you, syphoning gas from other peoples cars is illegal. Good luck and God bless!

Is it illegal to syphon gas from a car that is not yours?

Yes unless you have permission from whoever's car it is.

How do you syphon gas out of a 1996 ford villager?

It would be illegal to tell you as syphoning gas is illegal pretty much everywhere.