using a tach , idle adjustment on R/S of carb ( drivers side when standing in front of car ) adjust idle in PARK , A/C off
How do you set timing on a 1995 Cadillac Deville
how do i set the timing on a 1998 cadillac deville 4.6
May have an idle solenoid on the left side of carb.
how do i set the idle on the 1994 cadillac sts
The idle speed on your 1995 Cadillac Eldorado can be set by adjusting the fuel pump adjustment screw. Turn the screw to the right to increase the idle speed. Your idle is set wrong
Under the rear passenger set. It is a sealed special battery that cost about $130+ and has a special vent to take fumes out of the cabin.
did the parking brake get set, or the shoes adjusted too tight?
you do not need a lift, just a set of low profile tires 245 30 22.
Idle is set by the computer.
Idle is automatically set by the computer with the use of an idle motor.
Not normal for it to pulsate. Most likely out of adjustment . Need to be set to the specified idle speed. Misadj is causing the idle speed control motor (ISC) to hunt and surge for the correct position. Sometimes will occur when turning engine off