Located in the fuel tank -have to remove for access
If they are the same engine size, they are interchangeable. I would not put a fuel pump from a V6 on a 4 cylinder, and vica-versa. The Malibus from 97-02 all have interchangeable parts
if water is in oil,could be a bad headgasket!have it checked out!or a bad intake gasket.
torque specs on 02 5.3
Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy was created on 1994-02-17.
Yes. Good luck getting the '02 glass out without breaking it!
If you have a V6 you should have a timing belt. While you are doing that you may as well replace the water pump. The timing belt drives the water pump also.
Register on http://gmownercenter.yahoo.com and sign up for the 02 Malibu. You can download the owners manual from the site.
either low on collant or a failing water pump
There is a service bulletin that I just found for 1997-1999 Chevy Malibu 2.4L which can be found by searching 00-06-02-009 DEC 00 service bulletin. Something about those models if they contain the letter T in the VIN number leaking small amounts from the weeping hole. Not sure if this is your issue but seems to be the issue on my 1998 Malibu right now. Noticed a small puddle under the car and hasn't appeared since. Good luck!
yes over 80,000miles
engine will stall out and run very bad.