Follow the lower radiator hose to the engine. The hose is connected to a housing(under the distributer) which is bolted to the engine with 2 bolts. the thermostat is located under the housing, with the spring side of the thermostat facing the cylcinder head.
How do you replace the timing belt on a 1994 Geo Prizm 1.6?
See the related question: How do I replace the water pump on a 1993 Geo Prizm 1.8L?
On the radiator you have a top hose and a bottom hose. Look at the bottom hose and follow it to where it attaches to the block. Unscrew the two bolts. There is the thermostat.
bottom radiator hose housing
The thermostat on a 1995 Geo Prizm LSI 1.8 liters is located at the end of the rad hose. Follow the rad hose connected to the engine.?æ
From under the car.
1995 geo trunk lid bulb
Under the housing where the upper radiator hose hooks to the engine.
You may find some help by searching for this question.How do i replace the water pump on a 1993 Geo Prizm 1.8L?
Remove the old mount & replace with the new.
If you are referring to the water inlet hose on the back of the water pump you can use this question as reference. How do i replace the water pump on a 1993 Geo Prizm 1.8L?
You don't fix it, you replace it.