belt diagram for a 1996 Geo Prizm
Replace the belt and buckle as one unit.
How do you replace the timing belt on a 1994 Geo Prizm 1.6?
The parts of a belt buckle are the prong, buckle and belt.
Replace the cam belt every 60,000 miles.
With some belts there are clips in the reverse side, which you can use to change the buckle. What do you do if the belt you want doesn't have clips? Well I cut the stitiching or remove the rivets, depending on which the belt has, then replace the buckle and refasten it with safety pins, or if you have a thinner belt you may prefer to staple it. Hope this helps.
Best to go get a used one & replace it
Replace every 60,000 miles.
how do you set timing on a 92 geo prizm if timing belt has broken
I don't see how you could install just the buckle. I suggest you go to almost any salvage yard and get a replacment belt/buckle assembly. Replace the whole thing.
The belt usually has a clip or ring that is on the left side (as it's worn) of the belt buckle. Before putting the belt on, put the length of the belt through that clip, then put the belt on. The small nub you'll find on the right side (as it's worn) of the belt buckle will go into a free hole to keep the belt buckle in place. If you have a detachable belt buckle such as a western belt, then the belt and the buckle are sold separately. If that is the case, then the belt will have a snap that will open the end. The buckle has a metal ring on the inside that the end of the belt will go through.
How long will it take to replace a belt tensioner unit and serpentine belt in a lexus 1996 sc300?