Lower the steering column.
how to replace an ignition switch for 2005 chevy equinox
easiest option is to replace the steering column there all over junkyards with perfect switches in them
how do you remove the ignition switch on a 1990 chevy half ton pick-up?
Remove the retaining ring at the top of your 1985 Chevy ignition switch. Slide the ignition switch out and remove the wiring harness. Reverse the process to install the new ignition switch.
Remove the retaining ring at the top of your 1994 Chevy Corsica ignition switch. Slide the ignition switch out and remove the wiring harness. Reverse the process to install the new ignition switch.
how do you replace ignition switch on a 1992 Chevy cavalier 2.2 4 cylinder
The 1966 Chevy Impala ignition switch can be removed by loosening the retaining ring at the top of the ignition switch. Remove the wiring harness. Reverse the process to install the new ignition switch.
You will need to remove the ignition switch retaining ring in your 2002 Chevy Astro Van. Slide the ignition switch out. Remove the wiring harness from the end of the ignition switch. Reverse the process to install the new ignition switch.
Could be a bad ignition switch....
You switch the carborator with the ac and then rewire the inside to the dashboard