Inside of the clock or hood text 4434660178 for more
How do you change the alternator on a 1996 ford F350 diesel
trying to replace the ac clutch on my f350 6.0 and the bolt up front seems to be a special one any sugestions
Where is the belt tensioner on a ford 2003 f350 6l diesel? i need to loosen so that i can replace the alternater
No, the 2003 Ford F350 rims will not fit on a 1999 Ford F350.
How to remove fan clutch on 2003 ford explorer
how do you replace a fitting from a high pressure oil pump that is leaking oil in a 2001 ford F350 diesel truck?
Yes, the rims off a 2002 Ford F350 will indeed fir on a 1999 Ford F350.
1987 Ford F350 want stay running
You don't. Hydraulic clutches are by their very nature self adjusting, if the clutch will not work correctly then you are low on fluid or have another problem.
It will cost approximately $450 to replace the clutch in your 1997 Ford Escort. The clutch will cost approximately $200 and require four hours of labor to install.