jack up the passenger side the car on the front wheel side of the car put a jack stand on that side for safety and take the jack out. now take off the front tire,then take off the plastic splash plate then take 9/16" box wrench on end of the tension pulley and release the tension on drive belt and take it off the alternator.there two bolts one on the bottom and the top the top bolt is the hardist to get out and back in I used a short piece of plastic tubing big enough to fit snug on the head of the bolt you can try it when you get the bolt good and loose coming out,oryour fingers ,but going back with the bolt the tubing works great. good luck i have changed three on my 1994 saturn.and do not FORGET TO DETACH THE CABLE FROM THE BATTERY .
Yes, there is an alternator fuse for a 1992 Saturn SL2. It is easy to replace and is found in the fuse box of this car.
There is not any adjustments to be made on alternators.
Replace the alternator. Utilize a Hane's Manual.
How do I replace the water pump in my 1994 Saturn SL2 series standard twin cam.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iogtiYraHCg richpin
The voltage regulator is in the alternator on that model vehicle
if it is anything like my 97' Saturn Sl2. The engine must be dropped out to dismount the transmission.
13.5 to 16 volts.
I am prettysure you can change the motor as long as the body structure is the same and you have skill in this sort of thing.
bad connection from the battery or alternator