the door ajar is connected to the door lock mechanism. you will have to take the inner door panel off. there are two Phillips head screws located on the outer edge of door where lock mech. is remove these take out whole assembly note you will have to unplug wires. to reinstall reverse steps
sprayed latches with wd40-===prob was gone.
The door ajar warning will come on when this happens. Switch is inside door. There is a way to bypass the switch at the module.
I had a similar problem in my 96 continental to make a long story short one of my door ajar sensors was bad when driving cluster would read door ajar replaced sensor for about 125.00 and havent had a problem sense
The trunk lid is open or the ajar switch has malfunctioned.The trunk lid is open or the ajar switch has malfunctioned.
its either your doors switch that has gone bad or your rear hatch.
The trunk lid is open or the trunk ajar switch has malfunctionedThe trunk lid is open or the trunk ajar switch has malfunctioned
The door ajar switch is built inside the door latch.
When the car is moving, the interior lights fade out, right? I just purchased a 1998 Continental and it is doing the same thing. However, my message display says "door ajar" so one of the 3 doors either is not closed or the switch inside the latch is dirty. Sometimes it's the drivers' door, but the display will show "Drivers door ajar". A couple of shots of WD40 in the door latches of all doors will correct that problem.
how deo i find door ajar switch 2005 gmc serri
The door ajar switch is part of the latch, inside the door.
If your interior light is also on, replace the door switch.
There should be a screw or two holding the door ajar switch in the jam of the door. Remove the screw and you will see the full piece (when you pull it out) with a wire coming out of it. The wire has a flat piece of metal to make the connection to the switch. Do not cut or break the wire. You can simply apply slight pressure to it and it should pull strait out of the switch.