1985-1992 chevrolet camaro
It is located in the valve cover.
Locksmith or replace locks
replace it
Generally, 8 degrees before top dead center is typical of Chevrolet V8 engines for many years including your 1985 model.
fuses for 1985 camaro
Gas door is on the deck lid.
1985 Chevrolet impala
1985 - 1226870 ECM, there is also a mass burn off module in there but i dont know the code for that one.(mass burn off is specific to 1985 TPI system only)
no On a 1985 vt1100 the gauge is on the tank beside the temp gauge
get a set of new plug wires for it that are pre-cut for the car and then replace 1 wire at a time.
yes they are of the same generation of camaro so it should be interchangeable