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Actually , it doesn't have a conventional speedometer cable , it has an electronic

speedometer and a vehicle speed sensor ( VSS ) according to my Haynes repair manual

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Q: How do you replace a Speedometer cable from start to finish on a 1997 ford explorer?
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I believe starting on the 1996 Explorer , it went to an electronic speedometer with a vehicle speed sensor ( VSS ) so it doesn't have a conventional speedometer cable

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According to my Haynes repair manual, 1996 and later models do not use a conventional speedometer cable. They use an electronic speedometer and a vehicle speed sensor (VSS)

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As far as I know the 1995 Ford Explorer is the last model year to have a conventional speedometer cable ( so yes )

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Where is the odometer cable on a 96 Ford Explorer?

I believe that 1995 was the last year for a conventional speedometer cable on a Ford Explorer , and then Ford went to an electronic speedometer with a vehicle speed sensor

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There is not an odometer cable. The odometer is driven by the speedometer. If the odometer is not working then you will have to replace the speedometer head.

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You can fix the speedometer in your 1994 Oldsmobile 98 by replacing the speedometer cable. If changing the speedometer cable does not fix your speedometer you will need to replace the entire speedometer.