Very carefully! - with mechanics tools, and you better remember how to put it back together again or take pictures or draw pictures or paint the bolts different colors and their bolt holes the same color. Your local library may have a service manual with more detailed help.
under the intake manifold you have to remove the engine cover to get to it.
Remove the intake manifold. The starter is underneath.
How do remove and replace the ignition switch of a 1983 Oldsmobile Regency?
It's under the intake manifold. Remove that & the starter is accessible.
Remove the 1995 Oldsmobile Cutlass intake manifold retaining bolts. The manifold will come off. Remove the old gasket. Clean the surface. Put the new intake gasket and tighten the intake manifold retaining bolts.
remove intake manifold.
Check on the internet
The Starter is beneth the intake manifold, in order to remove the starter, you have to remove the intake manifold, also the gas injectors and wiring. There are two rires one red big coming from BAT and one small yellow or brown this is protected with black tape, the tow wires are by the front uper right of the engine to benith the intake manifold.
There is 2 of them. and they are under the intake manifold. You will have to remove the intake manifold to get to them.
Remove the intake manifold retaining bolts from your 1993 Mercedes-Benz manifold. Remove the old manifold gasket. Clean the surface and put the new gasket on.
Remove the intake manifold, exhaust manifold, and then remove the head.
Basically you remove the throttle body, fuel rail, and anything else that is plugging into it, then unbolt it. You need to get a shop manual however, because there is a specific bolt pattern you need to use to avoid damage.