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Get a heat gun or a hair dryer. And heat one corner of the stainless. Get behind it with a plastic spachala or something that wont stratch you paint. Then grab the corner with a vice grip and pull it off. Get a 3m earaser wheel from an autoparts store and attach it to ur drill. Run it on the places where the stainless was to remove the adhesive and use some adhesive remover for the execess. Pollishing the area after is optional but recomended.

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Q: How do you remove stainless steel rocker panels?
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Lacquer thinner will remove it, then the stainless should be wiped completely dry of any residue.

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Yep, you can weld steel to stainless and you can weld stainless to steel. You can use steel or stainless welding rod in either case but the steel or steel welding rod will of course rust.

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Well, the answer lies in the question; by saying 'real' stainless steel, you are implying that there are fake metals which go under the name 'stainless steel', thus the difference is that the stainless steel in refigerators is actually stainless steel, and the fake stainless steel is not...thus your question is answered...

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Steel and stainless steel tend to weigh around the same, however, stainless steel can sometimes be a bit lighter.

What is SS316?

Stainless Steel 316, a type of stainless steel