Remove the shroud and the fan. loosen the clutch bolts .... not always easy. We have more detailed instructions at our enthusiasts website.
remove front fan shroud and upper radiator supports loosen fan which is right hand thread normal. you can remove the four 15mm bolts that hold the back shroud on two top and two bottom and pull the fan and rear shroud out at same time remove the 10mm bolts that hold the fan to the fan clutch and reinstall.
The 2000 Chevy Cavalier cooling fan shroud is held in place with 10 retaining bolts. Remove the retaining bolts and the cooling fan shroud will come off.
do you have to remove fan shroud to access thermostat housing on a 1997 2.3L ford ranger
There are 4, 10mm bolts across the top at the front. Remove these. There are 2, 10mm bolts on either side about half way down. Remove those. Left the AC lines up, out of the way and then just pull the top half of the fan shroud out. If you are changing the water pump, radiator, condenser, etc. there should be no need to remove the bottom half of the shroud.
# Disconnect negative battery cable # Remove the serpentine drivebelt # Remove the coolant reservoir from the fan shroud and set it aside without draing the tank or disconnecting the hose # Disconnect the electrical connectors at the windshield washer reservoir and remove the reservoir from the fan shroud # Remove the fan shroud mounting bolts # A special 36mm fan wrench is required to remove the cooling fan can get at most auto parts stores
To remove the fan shroud from the 1999 Ford F150 you need a user manual to guide you.
Remove the two bolts at the top of the shroud, then remove shroud, fan, and motor as an assembly. Remove the One True Nut (reverse [LH] thread) that holds the fan blade to the motor. Remove the plastic-screws holding the motor to the shroud. Pull the blade off the motor. Use a hammer to disengage the motor from the shroud. Installation is reverse.
remove the top fin then remove the two 8mm bolts then remove the support brackets on radiator lean it forward pull strait up on the shroud the remove the fan with the pneumatic tool finally remove the 15mm bolts holding the shroud to the engine
Drain the radiator. Remove the fan and fan shroud if needed. Remove the pump belt. Unbolt the pump and remove it. Install the new pump. Reinstall the belt, fan and fan shroud. Refill the system with new coolant.
Probably not. What you will do is remove the fan first, and then the fan shroud. The reason for removing the shroud is so you have more room to work.
You will probably have to remove fan/pulley first to get clearance then just remove fasteners from rad.