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Make Sure Your Car Is Not Full A Snow Because You Will Suffocate And DIE :O

And If It Does Try To Break Your Self Out And Ask If You Could Go To Some Ones House Be Like ' Can I Please Go To Your House I Dont Wanna Die ; - Boss Chichi <3

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Q: How do you recover from your car being trapped in a blizzard?
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What should someone do if they are trapped in a car during a blizzard?

Stay inside the car at all times

Can anyone help with the name of a film about a man trapped in his car in a blizzard who is rescued and then held captive by a deluded man and his daughter similar to Misery?

Cold Comfort (1989)

How could you personify a person being trapped inside a car to blend with an unsettling background of a storm?


What is the best car for getting through a blizzard?

A car that has 4 wheel drive

What are the release dates for The Car Coach - 2011 Heat Trapped in Hot Car?

The Car Coach - 2011 Heat Trapped in Hot Car was released on: USA: 21 July 2011

If a friend parks his car in your warehouse before work every day do you have to provide access to the car if a repo man said that you must provide access to the car while your friend is at work?

no, they want the car so they can get payed, a repo man can NOT move another car to get to the car being repoed, nor can they break and enter to recover a car, if you open the building your basically giving them permission to enter and recover the car

What is a sentence with the word slogged?

In the morning after the blizzard, I slogged to my car to dig it out.

When car turns corner sounds like water spilling?

You may have water trapped in your doors due to the drain holes being clogged.

What happens after a car is repossed?

If a car is repossessed due to the payments not being met then there is a period of time where the repayments can be sorted, or if not the car will be sold to recover as much money as possible. Any outstanding debts will still need to be honored and finance companies often have power to sell your home to recover the debt. It is possible to get good insurance to cover this scenario.

Why might you want to leave a car during an earthquake?

Because you might get trapped in the car

Can you recover sales tax when you sell your car?


How fast can a blizzard kill you?

If you are in your car and stuck on a highway and your window is open and stay on the highway for hours you will be dead .In you car the next day you will be laying in your car dead.