Release cable in trunk up against firewall in rear
can you manually open front trunk on a 2002 boxster?
To open a convertible top for a Mercedes CLK 430 manually, open the trunk. There is a switch located in the trunk if the driver's switch fails. The switch is located in the far reaches of the trunk next to where the top and the trunk meet.
Won't the valet key open the trunk
tab in trunk
Try pressing the trunk release button with the ignition key turned on.
If the key under the rear license plate doesn't work, then you will need to cut the plastic inside the trunk to manually release the lock.
Hopefully with the remote device or key...
with a key. just kidding. there should be a button inside the glove box. if not, twist the cadillac emblem to one side on the trunk and you will see the key hole.
I have a 1975 Eldorado and there is a button inside the glove box to push. It pops the trunk lid open. Hope it works for you.
There is a pull pin release in the trunk
If the trunk is actually closed, sounds like a faulty sensor