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Q: How do you hotwire a Chevy cavelier?
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Never received my answer

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You're kidding, right?

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My key broke of om the inginion

Where is the oxygen sensor on a 1994 chevy cavelier with a 2.2 liter engine?

It is threaded into the exhaust manifold.

How do you correct a short in the wiring on a 1998 Chevy cavelier?

Stick your mom in the engine then START IT UP!!!

Where is the oil drain plug on Chevy cavelier 2003?

At the lowest point of the engine oil pan.

How do steal a Chevy Caprice?

The best way is to pick the lock and hotwire the engine.

Do you need a code to get a new key for a 2004 Chevy cavelier?

Yes you need the security code. phone your Chevy dealer they will have a computer system that has the code on it. I work for a Chevy dealership.

Where is the clutch pedal on automatic 1995 Chevy cavelier?

Is this a trick question??? If it's an automatic it won't have a clutch pedal lol!

Who were Rene-Robert Cavelier's parents?

Catherine and Jean Cavelier

How do you pronounce Cavelier?

Cavelier is pronounced as kav-uh-leer.