sounds like t.c.c solenoid.[torque converter clutch solenoid]
If it's an automatic, you may have a sticking solenoid INSIDE the transmission.
You cannot fix it, just replace it.
put a new bolb in them
I would suggest replacing it.
If it is broken they cannot be repaired. You need to replace it.
Replace Replace
Did you try the horn relay? It is located near the fuse box.
you need to replace the torq converter solenoid
the vris solenoid is unfixable,the only option is replacement but check first the power to it before you determine that is a bad solenoid
2/4 SOLENOID CIRCUIT What this means is the solenoid pack went bad. Have it replaced to fix the problem. Could also be a wiring issue from the trans computer to the solenoid pack.
You need to replace the Purge Solenoid Valve.