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First of all switch the coolant from Dexcool to the universal green antifreeze coolant. Along with that change the Thermostat. If it keeps overheating make sure the fan goes on when the engine is in overheating stage. If the fan does not go on then the vehicle may have problem with one of the below, 1. fan switch/motor 2. engine temp.sensor If the fan goes on when the car is overheating and also when there is enough coolant in the tank, then there is problem with the Head-gasket. which is common for GM vehicles. Changing Head-gasket by a certified mechanic will be the final solution. ============================================================

Not much to go on but...


Your Chevy dealer WILL ALWAYS use DexCool. You may think it's a scam or something but who are we to argue with GM?

If not, FILL IT! If it keeps 'disappearing' after a few days or a few weeks, your engines gaskets are probably worn beyond ignoring. (I killed my 98 Malibu by ignoring the issue, I loved my Malibu... sigh...). They MUST be replaced before the engine oil and coolant 'become one with each other' (BTW... this is bad).

If your engine is full, and your coolant hoses become firm (firm by means of pressure from heated gases and liquids expanding in your cooling system) after running a while...

I would start with the Thermostat...

If your engine is not running anywhere near 195 degrees Fahrenheit after running for about 15 minutes, your thermostat is most likely stuck open and , therefor, your engine is not warming up to operating temperature. Just watch your temperature guage on your next trip to the market. My 2003, Chevy, 2300 V6 engine needs to warm to 150-160 to even start to heat the vehicles interior and during very cold conditions, it may take up to 175-180 before good 'hot' air gets going. Be aware other issues can cause this as well. Water pump failures and blockages in the system can cause COLD air blowing from the heater as well. If the air is cool or WARM, go with the thermostat first. It's inexpensive, and 'relatively' easy to do.

Good Luck!

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