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sounds to me form experance u need a new tranny best of luck if the car has the 2.8 3.1 3.4 motor u can use the same trannys good luck

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Q: How do you fix a car when it won't move in reverse or drive?
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How do you make a car drive if when its in neutral or drive it wants to move but won't and when its in reverse it will reverse?

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What does it mean when your car wont drive in reverse?

A car that won't move when in reverse could indicate a problem with the transmission. It could also indicate a problem in the gear selector.

Why do a car move in drive but not in reverse?


Car will move in reverse but not drive?

bad transmission

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Check transmission fluid level.

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If you have an automatic transmission, it probably has a forward clutch/band problem.

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The purpose of an accelerator is the car is to give the engine gas so the car will move.

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Yes you need to get a new transmission, because somehow you burnt out your reverse so it wont move in reverse. So you will probably have to get a new one. A cheap one is roughly $2000 give or take $100.

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parking brake cable may be sticking.

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Check transmission fluid level Perhaps needs transmission rebuild

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