Check the bulbs - they are double filamented with the smaller being for the brake lights Check for a blown fuse Check the operation and alignment of the stoplight switch
Make sure the pedal rises back up enough to depress switch under dash.
check the fuse
To tighten the emergency brake cable on a 1990 Geo Prism, start by depressing the brake pedal. Next, locate the parking brake equalizer bar. Rotate both rear tires to feel the brake shoes slightly drag against the brake drum.
put your foot on the brake.... if that doesn't work you have to fix the wiring for the brake/transmission interlock
Most auto parts stores have wiring diagrams for a 97 Geo Metro. This includes wiring diagrams for the brake light, head lights, and much more.
Yes the Geo Prism has ait bags.
in the fill resivor attached to the master cylinder assembaly
The break light switch is located on the backside of the break peddle arm.
Depends on what the problem is. It is either, defective bulbs, brake light switch, blown fuse, or wiring problem. Check the fuse first, then if all lights including the 3rd light are not working, suspect a defective or out of adjustment brake light switch. The switch is located somewhere on the brake pedal arm, or may be a pressure switch on the master cylinder.
I'm guessing that you're referring to the switch that controls your brake lights. If so, it's located on the brake pedal assembly. It should have a small one or two wire plug attached to it and a locknut that holds it in a hole in the assembly. Unplug the wire and loosen the front nut and pull it out from the backside.
GM made a small car called the geo prism. GM Chevrolet or GEO
where is the fuel filter located on a 91 geo prism?