A 2008 what ?Moped ?Lambretta scooter ?Harley hog ?Ford Fusion Focus Folly ?Yugo ?High & Dry ?Cheby Cabelier ?F-250 ?SUV ?Merkava ?F-16 ?Reticulated bus ?Peterbilt ?SpaceX Dragon ?
yes it will dry up in a few days or so and it will start to work and you can be on he go
depends on how much water if its alot you can do one of two things drain the tank or add alot of dry gas more water more dry gas
Yes, they can live in dry land or in water :)
Dry gas
Because some of the water will slowly evaporate and the tank will dry up if no new water is added.
Yes,otherwise they will get very stressed and will get dry and sad.
A few ounces? Treat it with dry gas. More than a few ounces? Drop the tank and clean it out.
I doubt it. I think you have water in your tank because it's no way how antifreeze can go in your tank unless you puuted it there. So if you have water in your tank, just buy stuff which is called dry gas. And everytime when you fill your tank add required quantity. To get rid of water in your tank you will need to do that at least 3 times, it depends on how much of water you have.
engine cleaner and dry gas in fuel tank
A dry hydrant is backflushed after a suction hose connection is made to a fire department pumper. The backflushing occurs when the pump operator opens the water tank valve. This will allow tank water from the pumper to flow through the suction hose into the dry hydrant piping and strainer. This process allows dirt and debris from the water source that has collected in the dry hydrant strainer and pipe to be removed.
Depending how much? A little maybe just dry gas A lot - drain tank change fuel filter