where is the radiator drain plug on a chev cavalier
Drain radiator at bottom or rear of radiator
There'll be a drain plug... should be on the lower right hand corner. Take the radiator cap off, loosen the drain plug, and it'll drain.
where is the radiator drain plug on a kia spectra
Drain plug either at the bottom or rear of the radiator or remove the lower radiator hose
under the radiator.
On the radiator...
The drain should be on the lower drivers side of the radiator.
Lower left of radiator.
The drain valve will be located on the bottom of the radiator, on one side or the other. It's a little plastic tab. If you need to drain the radiator, pull the lower hose if you're not replacing the radiator so that you don't take the chance on breaking that stupid plastic drain valve.
If it does not have a drain plug, just simply remove the lower radiator hose.
2002 t/bird cooling drain pug location