On the side of the trany. It will have a vacumm hose going to it
If your car has one, take the vacuum line to the modulator off and if there is fluid inside, the modulator is bad.
A 1993 Jeep does not have a transmission modulator.
I'm not a mechanic / technician but is your engine oil level going up I've heard that the modulator valve on the passenger side of the automatic transmission ( behind a heat shield ) can allow the transmission fluid to be sucked into the engine through the vacuum line if there is a problem with the modulator valve on Ford Explorers up to the 1994 model
A 1993 Jeep does not have a transmission modulator valve.
A 1993 Ford Explorer takes 5 quarts of oil for a complete oil and filter change.
pay a dam macanic
Haynes Repair Manuel. Local auto parts store.
5 qts with filter change
It does not have one, it is computer controled.
On a 1993 Ford Aerostar : The automatic transmission modulator is on the passenger side of the transmission ( it might be behind a heat shield )