How do you change a fuel pump on 94 Chevy caprice ls
The fuel pump on an 89 Chevy Caprice is changed by lowering the fuel tank, disconnecting the pump wiring, and removing the fuel lines. The pump can then be lifted from the tank and replaced.
i have a 1994 caprice and 2 days ago i replaced the fuel pump and i paid 134-160 for the fuel pump I replaced my 1992 Caprice one recently for $65.
Yes the 1967 Caprice has a water pump.
its located in the fuel tank.
I have a 89 Chevy caprice. When I had my fuel pump changed, they had to drop the was in the tank.
in the tank
check your fuse panel for fuel pump fuse that what happened to mine i have a 1996 ceprice
in the fuel tank
The thermostat on a 94 Chevy caprice classic is behind the water pump in the front center of the engine.
what are you, a redneck?????