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Q: How do you change the horns?
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Can a human change to a faerie can you change back?

yes,but first you need to crush dragon horns with wizard spit

What instrument was the french horn developed from?

It evolved out of hunting horns. Early natural horns had no valves, and could only change keys by changing the crooks (tuning slides).

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i love horns like fat kids love cake

What can you do to protect the musk oxen?

They form a circle and watch them.(Change into own words if you like) XD

Can a sheep have horns?

They can have horns

How do bull sharks defend themselves?

they blend in and change skin color to it natural habatat

Which fish has horns?

narwhals have horns

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Do wyverns have horns?

yes they do have horns

What kind of problem has horns?

Horns of a Dilemma

Are there yellow snakes with horns?

No snakes have horns.