There is a hold-down bracket held down by a single retaining bolt on the passenger side of the distributor. Remove the bolt and bracket and the distributor will be free to rotate and pull in and out slightly. Once you've disconnected the electrical connections and plug wires you need to pull/pry upward on the shaft while rotating the rotor shaft until you start sliding upward. Be sure and set base timing when the new distributor is in. For TBI engines you need to disconnect the coolant temp sensor wire on the front top of the intake manifold to set timing correctly.
Back of the engine, next to the distributor.
The firing order for Dodge 318 cid engines is 1-8-4-3-6-5-7-2, The distributor rotates clockwise.
# 1 on the distributor cap faces to the FRONT / CENTER
Against the firewall like in a chevy
If you have spark a the coil but not the distributor, then the coil wire has failed.
A 1992 318 distributor would have an electronic position sensor in it.
Back of the block, next to the distributor.
Cap and distributor / rotor system
Back of the engine, next to the distributor.