Changing the brake light relay switch on your 1999 Chevy Cavalier is quite easy. The brake light switch simply plugs in and out.
In the brake fluid reservior located on top right side of engine.
Just locate the fuse panel under the left side of the dash and find the brake light fuse and pull it out and put the new one in. If there isn't a blown fuse, the brake light switch may be faulty.
To change the brake light bulb on a 1999 Honda Passport find the light housing located in the trunk. Find the plastic covers for the lights and remove them. Pull the bulbs out carefully and replace them.
The taillights on a 1999 Kia Sephia are replaced through the cars trunk. Remove the plastic covers from the light housings and replace the bulbs.
how to change the brake light in a Nissan frontier 1999
In order to change the brake light, check your manual for directions. You will need to remove the cover and replace the burnt out bulb.
The 1999 Chevrolet Malibu brake light switch can be found beneath the dashboard, next to the brake pedal. The brake light switch simply plugs in and out.
Don't bother. The brake light switch on 1999 beetles (maybe all of them, actually) have been recalled. Unless you get it changed, the brake lights will keep going out. Call your local dealer and they should change it for free, mine did about 8 months ago. Still, this doesn't seem to fix the problem as my brake light is out. It may only be a burned out bulb though.
Bent brake light switch bracket above the brake pedal.
what does it mean if my brake light is blinking on and off when its pushed down in my 1999 Chevy silverado
A brake light on a 1999 VW can be accessed through the rear of the vehicle. Locate and remove the plastic covers for the light housings. Remove the bulbs. Replace with new units.