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Step 1- open trunk

step 2- crawl in trunk

step 3- remove the upper insulation below the rear window, it has 2 clips up by the seat, and approx. 4 pegs holding it in place. After removing this set it outside of the vehilce

Step 3a.- cause i forgot to mention this step until i got to step 7, disconnect the rear brake light.

step 4- remove the insulation that is on the back of the back seat it is also held in with pegs

step 5- look up under where the speakers are and you will se approx. 3 more pegs that should be popped out, and 2 gold clips that should be pushed up. Pull the pegs, and puch the gold clips up.

Step 6.- Loosten bolts holding back seat in place and remove the rear portion of hte bback seat.

step 7- go inside the vehicle and carefully remove the remaining pieces that are covering the speakers, it will come out wouth some careful manuevering. Be carefull not to damage the side wall plastic by the door panels, or the rear brake light.

Step 8- unscrew the speakers

step 9- take a break and drink some water

step 10 put it back together again.

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