From The Information You Have Asked. You Have An Engine. There Is No Engine That I Know Of Where The Oil And Water Run Together. So The Answer Is NO. You May Want To Change Your oil After You Get The Engine Back Together And Running. But No You Do Not Need To Drain The Oil Out To Change The Water Pump.
Pull or lift the engine, drop the pan then replace the oil pump. Pull or lift the engine, drop the pan then replace the oil pump.
To change the oil pump, you will need to remove the engine and split the crankcase. The oil pump is inside the crankcase. Oil pump is about $160.00, but many hours of engine tear-down and rebuild. Not recommended for persons with little mechanical ability or tools.
No you do not. The oil pump is not in the oil pan.It is behind the timing cover that is on the front of the engine. You will have to remove everything that is bolted onto the front of the engine. The oil pump slides over the front of the crankshaft.
how to replace oil pump on 1994 z28
The oil pump is located inside the oil pan at the rear of the engine. So, to replace the oil pump, one must remove the oil pan. This will require that the engine be lifted at least 4", if not pulled completely out of the engine bay.
An oil pump on a 1994 Honda Civic is found in the bottom end of the engine. To replace the oil pump the engine will require a rebuild as the crankshaft will have to come off as well.
Have to drop oil pan
The oil pump is normally just inside the oil pan and is accessible by taking the pan off.
its a wrap get an new engine
you have to pull the oil pan off the engine to get to the pump as it's under the oil pan, once the pan is off you will see that it's bolted to the engine, take the bolt or bolts out and pull the pump out.
On a 1997 Mercury Mountaineer , 5.0 liter ( 302 cubic inch ) V8 engine : The engine oil pump is INSIDE the engine oil pan According to my Haynes repair manual in order to remove the oil pan ( to get access to the oil pump ) THE ENGINE HAS TO BE REMOVED * the engine oil pressure sending unit is on the OUTSIDE of the engine beside the engine oil filter