If you read the manuals and some blogs, they all say you need to remove the upper control arm ..... not so .... go to auto zone and rent the "balljoint press" .... its a heafty "C" clamp with spacer rings and end plates that allow removal of the upper joint on the vehicle ....careful with the inner fender clearance, it just makes it .... removing the control arm creates problems with the control arm cams,...... do it this way, it works ....... AutoZone deposit on the tool is $120, but returned upon return ...a good service.
How to change the lower ball joint for Mitsubishi diamante 1994
NO it will not.
timeing cover lower
54 LBS. to 62 LBS No lower and no higher.
Just drive it off a cliff... Its POINTLESS. Unless your GHEY.
4x10 located in the lower corner each side of the cab.
You can not just change the ball joint , you have to replace the whole lower control arm with ball joint.
You first need to jack up the front you are working on from the lower ball joint. Then you only need to unscrew the top mount nut and remove the 2 lower mounting bolt and slide the shock out the bottom of the lower control arm. Reverse the procedure to install the new shock. Repeat the steps on the other front corner.
hit the side of it with a hammer it should release make ur u have a jack under the a arm with no presure just enough to touch it or the spring with probly fly out and break your face
The thermostat is locating in the waterpump, where the lower rad. hose connects.
it depends on the engine but check where the lower hose ends closest to the engine