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The wiper motor is mounted on the firewall (the wall that separates the engine compartment from the passenger compartment) at the top and slightly to the driver side of the vehicle. The motor itself is only secured to the firewall with three large screws however the sheet metal panel that covers the area directly behind the hood and in front of the windshield will need to be removed so that the drive arms can be detached from the motor. The first step in removing the panel is to remove the wiper arms themselves. One will notice at the base of the wiper arms where it attaches to the drive shaft there is a small metal tab on the upper side. If the arms are pulled away from the windshield as far as they can be pivoted the small metal tab can be easily pried away from the base of the arm, it should slide out about a centimeter at which time you can release the wiper and you will notice that the arms will no longer spring all of the way back to the windshield. At this time there is nothing keeping the arm from sliding off of the drive shaft and some careful wiggling will usually enable one to pull the arm off of the drive shaft. Once both arms have been removed there are several Philips head screws located along the front edge of the aforementioned panel that must be removed along with five located in holes along the top of the panel. There are two different types of screws so keep track of which ones were removed from where. The radio antenna is located in this panel and though it does not need to be completely removed sometimes it helps to unscrew the antenna mast itself and then pry off the base cover and remove the four screws retaining the base so that he panel can be more easily manipulated. One will also take care to notice that the hose supplying windshield wiper fluid to the spray nozzle attaches to the bottom of the panel directly behind the wiper motor and will need to be removed once the panel has been pulled up enough to allow easy access to the connection. Once all of the screws have been removed the panel, with the hood up, can be manipulated with some patience up and back so as to allow easy access to the compartment where the motor drive arms are located. There may be another small sheet metal panel located directly above the motor that can be easily removed at this point by removing the four Phillips head screws that retain it; there are two on top and two along the front edge. Now one should be able to reach into to the two large openings that were uncovered when the first panel was removed and feel where the two drive arms are attached to the motor arm. There is a small clip located at the end of the shaft that the drive arms attached to. By gently prying up on the outer most portion of this small sheet metal clip the clip can be slid slightly to one side and then off of the shaft allowing the drive arms to also be slid off of the shaft. Now that both panels are out of the way and the drive arms removed we can focus on the motor itself. First we need to disconnect the two electrical plugs from the motor. Both plugs have a plastic tab that must be gently pried up and then the plugs can be pulled away from their connections. Use caution when prying on the plastic retaining tabs as the plastic becomes brittle with time and any excessive movement of these tabs almost always results in their breaking however the electrical connections are usually quite secure even without these tabs if they should break. As mention before there are three screws that mount the motor to the firewall. A 10mm socket or wrench can be used to remove these screws. In some cases the lower right screw may have a 7/16 inch nut on the end of it that retains a ground wire that must be removed first. With everything disconnected and the three large retaining screws removed the motor can be lifted away. Assembly is the reverse of the disassembly procedure. This procedure should apply to all Ford F-series trucks and Broncos manufactured between 1987 and 1996 although motors without the intermittent wiper feature are slightly different.

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Q: How do you change a 1994 ford f150 wiper motor?
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Where is the windshield wiper motor on a 1993 Ford F150?

top of the fire wall under the hood your wiper arms will connect

How do you change the wiper motor on a 1994 Ford F150?

I changed mine (1992) by removing the vented piece that runs between the windshield and the hood. Pop the hood and you will find screws to remove this as well as a a few screws from the top in between the grill type vents near the wiper blades. ( Remove the wiper arms and unscrew th antennae also) Lift this pc. out and you will gain access to the nuts that secure the motor to the firewall. Remove the motor harness, then disconnect the motor from the wiper connector. Try new motor by connecting to the harness and turning it on from the cab BEFORE you take anything apart. This will verify taht the motor is the problem. Good luck!

How do you replace a wiper motor on a f150?

If you'd like to replace a wiper motor on a Ford F-150 you need disconnect the negative battery cable, remove mounting bolts, and replace old wiper with new unit. When you've installed new unit connect electrical harness and wiper arm to motor.

How do you replace a windshield wiper motor for a 1998 f-150?

To replace a windshield wiper motor for a 1998 F150, first remove the bottom trim on the window. Then remove both wiper blade assemblies and all screws on the metal cowling. Remove the retaining clip from the wiper motor linkage and pull the controls rods off.

Where is the windshield wiper motor governor found on a 1990 Ford F150?

The governor for the wipers is located near the fuse box. It is wired to the harness going to the wiper switch.

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Windshield wipers not working 1998 ford f-150?

If the windshield wipers are not working in a 1998 Ford F150, the cause could be a blown fuse. There could also be a problem with the vacuum hoses connected to the wiper motor or the wiper motor itself.

How do you change wiper motor on 2002 ford F150?

Windshield Wiper Motor Removal & Installation Front 1. Turn the ignition switch to the ON position. Turn the ignition switch ON until the wiper blades are straight up, then turn the ignition switch OFF. 2. Disconnect the negative battery cable. 3. Remove the right-hand and left-hand windshield wiper arm and blade assemblies. 4. Remove the cowl top vent panels. 5. Detach the electrical hardness connector at the windshield wiper motor assembly. 6. Remove 3 wiper motor (module assembly) retaining bolts and remove the module assembly from the vehicle. 7. Remove the wiper linkage retaining bolt and remove the linkage from the wiper motor. 8. Remove 3 retaining nuts and remove the windshield wiper motor. To install; 9. Place the windshield wiper motor in position and install 3 retaining nuts. Tighten to 10-12 ft. lbs. (12-17 Nm). 10. Connect the wiper linkage to the windshield wiper motor and install the retaining bolt. Tighten the bolts to 14 ft. lbs. (20 Nm). 11. Place the wiper motor (module assembly) in position and install 3 retaining bolts. Tighten the bolts to 6 ft. lbs. (9Nm). 12. Install the electrical hardness connector to the windshield wiper motor. 13. Connect the negative battery cable. 14. Allow the windshield wiper motor to cycle several times while checking for proper wiper motor operation. 15. Turn the windshield wiper motor to the OFFposition to park the wiper motor in the park position. 16. Install the cowl top vent panels. 17. Install the wiper arm and blade assemblies. Install the retaining nuts and tighten to 22-29 ft. lbs. (30-40 Nm). 18. Connect the negative battery cable. 19. Check the windshield wiper motor for proper operation and the wiper arms for adjustment.

How do you change the windshield wiper motor on a 2002 Ford F150?

Windshield Wiper Motor Removal & Installation Front 1. Turn the ignition switch to the ON position. Turn the ignition switch ON until the wiper blades are straight up, then turn the ignition switch OFF. 2. Disconnect the negative battery cable. 3. Remove the right-hand and left-hand windshield wiper arm and blade assemblies. 4. Remove the cowl top vent panels. 5. Detach the electrical hardness connector at the windshield wiper motor assembly. 6. Remove 3 wiper motor (module assembly) retaining bolts and remove the module assembly from the vehicle. 7. Remove the wiper linkage retaining bolt and remove the linkage from the wiper motor. 8. Remove 3 retaining nuts and remove the windshield wiper motor. To install; 9. Place the windshield wiper motor in position and install 3 retaining nuts. Tighten to 10-12 ft. lbs. (12-17 Nm). 10. Connect the wiper linkage to the windshield wiper motor and install the retaining bolt. Tighten the bolts to 14 ft. lbs. (20 Nm). 11. Place the wiper motor (module assembly) in position and install 3 retaining bolts. Tighten the bolts to 6 ft. lbs. (9Nm). 12. Install the electrical hardness connector to the windshield wiper motor. 13. Connect the negative battery cable. 14. Allow the windshield wiper motor to cycle several times while checking for proper wiper motor operation. 15. Turn the windshield wiper motor to the OFFposition to park the wiper motor in the park position. 16. Install the cowl top vent panels. 17. Install the wiper arm and blade assemblies. Install the retaining nuts and tighten to 22-29 ft. lbs. (30-40 Nm). 18. Connect the negative battery cable. 19. Check the windshield wiper motor for proper operation and the wiper arms for adjustment.

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