no adjustment is nessary with self adj ,but if you want you can turn the star key through the little hole the bottom of the backing plate behind the drum , just turn it a click at a time can only go one way , spin wheel at the same time so you get just a little drag on the wheel / do not over tighten pain to back off ,
It is possible for the brakes to lock up on a 2000 Chevy Venture when in reverse because the brakes are not working properly. Perhaps the brake pads need to be changed.
I have a chev g1500 2000. Does anyone no how to ajust the rear brakes?
Usually the fuse is going bad.
Something is wrong with your 2000 Chevy Venture. Better information get's better answers.
My 2000 Chevy venture gets 24- 25 on the highway.
What is the easiest way to replace the starter motor on a 2000 chev Venture?
Yes. I own a 2000 Chevy Blazer.
4.5 quarts
on my 2000 Chevy Venture, it's the one that sits pretty much on the top of the belt drive.