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start by adjusting all the drum brakes on the vehicle to spec--any disc make sure the pad is thick{plenty material} then bleed whole system, by going to furtherest wheel then next closest-- then next-- till you get to left front---when all air--ALL AIR IS PURGED-- ADJUST PEDAL TILL LITTLE HOLES IN MASTER CYLINDER ARE UNCOVERED WITH LID OFF-- START WITH CLEAN FLUID EVERY TIME SO YOU CAN SEE LITTLE HOLES UNCOVERED-----SIMPLE

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Q: How do you adjust the adjust the brake peddle master cylinder in a 1971 Ford f 250?
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Why is the brake peddle still soft after bleeding the system 2001 Maxima?

soft peddle feel maybe from a damaged brake master cylinder. this pressurizes the peddle, and if there is a leak in the cylinder it might feel soft or flop all the way to the floor.

Brake peddle hard but goes down slowly?

Air in a brake line or a bad master cylinder could cause this. Bleed the brake lines if you have been working on any brake cylinder. If this happened without any warning, the master brake cylinder is probably the cause and should be replaced.

What is the order that the brake bleeder go ya bleed the brake line?

The order to properly bleed the brakes is as follows: 1. Top up master cylinder. 2. Always start at the wheel closest to the master cylinder and work to the furthest from the master cylinder. 3. Open the bleeder nipple on the wheel nearest to the master cylinder. 4. Have an assistant depress the brake peddle and hold it to the floor. 5. Close the nipple. 6. Top up master cylinder and then have assistant release the brake peddle. 7. Open the same nipple again. Have assistant depress the brake peddle and hold. (Continue this procedure until all air has been pumped out of this section of the brake line and only brake fluid is pumped out. 8. Close the nipple and move to the front wheel on the opposite side. 9. Do the same procedure on this wheel i.e. open nipple, depress brake pedal and hold, close nipple, top up master cylinder, open nipple, depress brake peddle etc. 10. Follow this procedure for the rear wheel nearest to the master cylinder, and finally with the wheel furthest from the master cylinder. The brake system should be free of air.

Why would the brake peddle go to the floor on a 1999 daywoowhat would cause this to happen?

a leak or a bad master cylinder

How come when you hit your brakes on your 91 explorer 2wd with rear abs the peddle went to the floor and the truck kinda sped up?

If your brake peddle goes to the floor, you have lost brake fluid from your master cylinder in the engine compartment. Check your rubber brake hoses at each of your wheels, look for any signs of leaking brake fluid at your wheels, connections,lines, and master cylinder.

Why does the brake peddle goes to floor?

Low brake fluid, drums/rotors in need of replacement, pads in need of replacement, air in the brake lines, worn master cylinder, brakes out of adjustment... all possible reasons.

How do you bleed the brake line of a 97 Pontiac grand am gt?

someone sits in the car slowly pressing the brake peddle while you have the brake line open. When finished bleeding the brakes, don't forget to refill the master cylinder.

How do you know when you need a new master brake cylinder?

A brake master cylinder? If you are losing brakes or brake fluid.

What is brake master cylinder repair?

Brake master cylinder repair is where someone or some body fixes the master cylinder on your brakes. It is the main line to your brake apparatus. Also the master cylinder is the container for the fluid and the piston, forming part of a device such as a hydraulic brake or clutch.

No brake pressure on a 1986 VW Cabriolet?

Master cylinder empty (no brake fluid) Leak in brake line or wheel cylinder Defective master cylinder

How do you know if the master cylinder has gone bad in a 1997 Chevy Corvette?

One sign is if you place you foot on the brake pedal and apply steady pressure, and the pedal slowing goes down toward the floor, the master cylinder is bad. As this car is 9 years old, when replacing the master cylinder, replace all the brake fluid in the entire system with fresh fluid from an unopened can. 1. It could have a leak at the master cylender. 2. the brake peddle slowly goes all the way to the floor.

How do you change a brake cylinder on a 1999 Galant?

Drain the brake fluid from the brake master cylinder reservoir. Remove the wiring harness from the brake cylinder. Remove the brake lines. Remove the brake cylinder retaining nuts. Reverse the process to install the new master brake cylinder.